Nursery to Vth Class: Grey Kincker + Pink Shirt +
Monogram + Grey Tie/Belt
VIth to XIIth Class: Grey Trouser + Pink Shirt +
Monogram + Grey Tie/Belt
White socks, Black Leather Shoes
Nursery to VIIIth Class: Grey Trouser + Pink Full
Shirt + Grey Sweater + Monogram
Nursery to Vth Class: Grey Skirt + Pink Shirt +
Monogram + Grey Tie/Belt
VIth to VIIIth Class: Grey Skirt + Pink Shirt+
Monogram + Grey Tie/Belt
IXth to XIIth Class: Grey Shalwar + Pink Kurta +
Grey Dupatta
White socks, Black shoes
Nursery to VIIIth Class: Pink Full sleeves Shirt
+ Grey Shirt + Grey Sweater
Monogram + Grey Laging
Nursery to Vth Class: T-Shirt of their respective
House Color, White Knicker (summer) + Shirt White (Wednesday and Saturday)
VIth to XIIth Class : T-Shirt of their respective
House Colour, White Trouser (Winter) + Shirt White Full, White socks, White Lead
Canvas Shoes
Nursery to Vth Class: T-Shirt of their house,
White skirt with stockings up to thigh/White shirt, White laced canvas shoes,
White Socks (Wednesday and Saturday)
IXth to XIIth Class: White Salwar Kurta/Dupatta
Note: Children are
required to wear white socks and canvas shoes wherever they will have their
games period in their time-table.
Guideline for Students/Parents
Insure that the
students are regular and punctual to school.
Always write an
application to the class teacher for his/her absence from school.
Students should
address their teachers and all members of the staff with due respects and
Promptly inform
the class teacher. Whenever there is a change of address or contact number.
Be regular in
attending parent’s teacher meeting.
Meet teachers only
with the permission of the principal on a regular working day.
The school fees
cover twelve months and may be paid in monthly or in advance.
Take pride in
sending your ward smartly in prescribed school uniform.
“Parents the
master of their child future”