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Nursery to Vth Class: Grey Kincker + Pink Shirt + Monogram + Grey Tie/Belt

VIth to XIIth Class: Grey Trouser + Pink Shirt + Monogram + Grey Tie/Belt

White socks, Black Leather Shoes



Nursery to VIIIth Class: Grey Trouser + Pink Full Shirt + Grey Sweater + Monogram




Nursery to Vth Class: Grey Skirt + Pink Shirt + Monogram + Grey Tie/Belt

VIth to VIIIth Class: Grey Skirt + Pink Shirt+ Monogram + Grey Tie/Belt

IXth to XIIth Class: Grey Shalwar + Pink Kurta + Grey Dupatta

White socks, Black shoes



Nursery to VIIIth Class: Pink Full sleeves Shirt + Grey Shirt + Grey Sweater

Monogram + Grey Laging




Nursery to Vth Class: T-Shirt of their respective House Color, White Knicker (summer) + Shirt White (Wednesday and Saturday)

VIth to XIIth Class : T-Shirt of their respective House Colour, White Trouser (Winter) + Shirt White Full, White socks, White Lead Canvas Shoes



Nursery to Vth Class: T-Shirt of their house, White skirt with stockings up to thigh/White shirt, White laced canvas shoes, White Socks (Wednesday and Saturday)

IXth to XIIth Class: White Salwar Kurta/Dupatta


Note: Children are required to wear white socks and canvas shoes wherever they will have their games period in their time-table.

General Guideline for Students/Parents

·         Insure that the students are regular and punctual to school.

·         Always write an application to the class teacher for his/her absence from school.

·         Students should address their teachers and all members of the staff with due respects and politeness.

·         Promptly inform the class teacher. Whenever there is a change of address or contact number.

·         Be regular in attending parent’s teacher meeting.

·         Meet teachers only with the permission of the principal on a regular working day.

·         The school fees cover twelve months and may be paid in monthly or in advance.

·         Take pride in sending your ward smartly in prescribed school uniform.

·         “Parents the master of their child future”